JeVois 1.5 brings the following new features:
- Updated to OpenCV 3.3.0 including OpenCV-Contrib packages and python 3.6 support
- Merged with buildroot 2017.08 which updates the JeVois operating system to:
- gcc/g++-7.2.0
- boost-1.64.0
- python-3.6.1
- python-numpy-1.8.0
- eigen-3.3.3
- tbb-4.4
- attr-2.4.47
- binutils-2.29
- busybox-1.27.1
- bzip2-1.0.6
- clapack-3.2.1
- dhrystone-2
- diffutils-3.6
- dos2unix-7.3.4
- expat-2.2.2
- ffmpeg-3.3.3
- fftw-3.3.6-pl2
- findutils-4.6.0
- flann-1.9.1
- gawk-4.1.4
- gdb-7.11.1
- glibc-2.25
- gmp-6.1.2
- grep-3.1
- gsl-2.3
- gst1-plugins-base-1.12.2
- gstreamer1-1.12.2
- jasper-version-2.0.13
- jpeg-turbo-1.5.2
- keyutils-1.5.10
- lapack-3.7.1
- leptonica-1.74.4
- libcurl-7.55.0
- libffi-3.2.1
- libglib2-2.52.2
- liblinear-2.1
- libpng-1.6.31
- libpthread-stubs-0.4
- libump-ec0680628744f30b8fac35e41a7bd8e23e59c39f
- libv4l-1.12.5
- libyaml-0.1.6
- libyuv-1ebf86795cb213a37f06eb1ef3713cff080568ea
- linux-headers-3.4.113
- memstat-1.0
- memtester-4.3.0
- mpdecimal-2.4.1
- ncurses-6.0
- openblas-f04af36ad0e85b64f12a7c38095383192cc52345
- oprofile-1.1.0
- pcre-8.41
- popt-1.16
- protobuf-3.3.0
- ramsmp-3.5.0
- ramspeed-2.6.0
- readline-7.0
- sed-4.4
- sqlite-3190300
- strace-4.18
- stress-1.0.4
- stress-ng-0.06.15
- sunxi-cedarx-b8f52d913f73720e50d8f1b2f8610467b575dc45
- sunxi-mali-d343311efc8db166d8371b28494f0f27b6a5872
- tesseract-ocr-3.05.00
- tiff-4.0.8
- util-linux-2.30.1
- valgrind-3.12.0
- whetstone-1.2
- xutil_util-macros-1.19.1
- xz-5.2.3
- zbar-854a5d97059e395807091ac4d80c53f7968abb8f
- zlib-1.2.11
- NOTE: the platform (based on buildroot) is now a bit ahead of the host (assuming Ubuntu 17.04). Some of the differences will likely disappear with future Ubuntu releases, but in the meantime be aware that:
Software | Platform | Ubuntu 17.04 |
gcc / g++ | 7.2 | 6.3 |
python | 3.6 | 3.5 |
boost | 1.64 | 1.62 |
For most, this should make no difference. Because g++ 7.2 is a bit more strict than 6.3, you may get a few additional warnings when compiling your code for platform compared to host. You should fix them anyway as the host setup will move to g++7 soon.
- Updated tiny-dnn to latest version from GitHub (there has not been any release lately). This changes the API a bit, see updated ObjectRecognition components in jevoisbase.
- Small improvements on jevois-flash-card to avoid mistakenly erasing large hard disks.
- This releases changes the platform operating system (buildroot). You need to get the new JeVois Debian packages from
- Recommended upgrade workflow: see under Upgrading.
- Added new
command-line interface command to show a more compact help message about the current vision module only.
- Added profiling to darknet, which will allow one to easily find out which deep neural network layers take a lot of time to compute.