JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
This is the complete list of members for jevois::Engine, including all inherited members.
abortDemo() | jevois::Engine | |
absolutePath(std::filesystem::path const &path="") | jevois::Component | |
addComponent(std::string const &instanceName, Args &&...args) | jevois::Manager | |
addDynamicParameter(std::string const &name, std::string const &description, T const &defaultValue, ParameterCategory const &category) | jevois::Component | |
addDynamicParameter(std::string const &name, std::string const &description, T const &defaultValue, ValidValuesSpec< T > const &validValuesSpec, ParameterCategory const &category) | jevois::Component | |
addParameter(ParameterBase *const param) | jevois::ParameterRegistry | protected |
addSubComponent(std::string const &instanceName, Args &&...args)=delete | jevois::Manager | |
callbackInitCall() | jevois::ParameterRegistry | protected |
camera() const | jevois::Engine | |
className() const | jevois::Component | |
clearErrors() | jevois::Engine | |
Component(std::string const &instance) | jevois::Component | |
constructHelpMessage(std::ostream &out) const | jevois::Manager | protected |
descriptor() const | jevois::Component | |
drawCameraGUI() | jevois::Engine | |
Engine(std::string const &instance) | jevois::Engine | |
Engine(int argc, char const *argv[], std::string const &instance) | jevois::Engine | |
findVideoMapping(unsigned int oformat, unsigned int owidth, unsigned int oheight, float oframespersec) const | jevois::Engine | |
foreachParam(std::function< void(std::string const &compname, ParameterBase *p)> func, std::string const &cname="") | jevois::Component | |
foreachVideoMapping(std::function< void(VideoMapping const &m)> &&func) | jevois::Engine | |
frameNum() | jevois::Engine | related |
freezeAllParams(bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
freezeParam(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
getComponent(std::string const &instanceName) const | jevois::Manager | |
getCurrentVideoMapping() const | jevois::Engine | |
getDefaultVideoMapping() const | jevois::Engine | |
getDefaultVideoMappingIdx() const | jevois::Engine | |
getParamString(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getParamStringUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getParamVal(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getParamValUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor) const | jevois::Component | |
getPythonComponent(void *pyinst) const | jevois::Engine | |
getSubComponent(std::string const &instanceName) const =delete | jevois::Manager | |
getVideoMapping(size_t idx) const | jevois::Engine | |
getVideoMappingIdx(unsigned int iformat, unsigned int iframe, unsigned int interval) const | jevois::Engine | |
hideAllParams(bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
hideParam(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, bool doit) | jevois::Component | |
initialized() const | jevois::Component | |
instanceName() const | jevois::Component | |
isTopLevel() const | jevois::Component | |
itsCamera | jevois::Engine | protected |
itsCurrentMapping | jevois::Engine | protected |
itsDefaultMappingIdx | jevois::Engine | protected |
itsGadget | jevois::Engine | protected |
itsIMU | jevois::Engine | protected |
itsLoader | jevois::Engine | protected |
itsMappings | jevois::Engine | protected |
itsModule | jevois::Engine | protected |
itsMtx | jevois::Engine | mutableprotected |
itsRunning | jevois::Engine | protected |
itsStopMainLoop | jevois::Engine | protected |
itsStreaming | jevois::Engine | protected |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(cameradev, std::string, "Camera device name (if starting with /dev/v...), or movie " "file name (e.g., movie.mpg) or image sequence (e.g., im%02d.jpg, to read frames " "im00.jpg, im01.jpg, etc).", JEVOIS_CAMERA_DEFAULT, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(camerasens, CameraSensor, "Camera sensor. Users would usually not set this parameter " "manually, it is set through boot-time configuration.", JEVOIS_CAMERASENS_DEFAULT, CameraSensor_Values, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(cameralens, CameraLens, "Camera lens. Users should usually set this parameter " "using the global JeVois params.cfg config file.", CameraLens::standard, CameraLens_Values, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(cameranbuf, unsigned int, "Number of video input (camera) buffers, or 0 for automatic.", 0, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(gadgetdev, std::string, "Gadget device name. This is used on platform hardware only. " "On host hardware, a display window will be used unless gadgetdev is None (useful " "for benchmarking) or is a file stem for a movie file that does not start with /dev/ " "(and which should contain a printf-style directive for a single int argument, " "the movie number).", JEVOIS_GADGET_DEFAULT, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(gadgetnbuf, unsigned int, "Number of video output (USB video) buffers, or 0 for auto", 0, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(videomapping, int, "Index of Video Mapping to use, or -1 to use the default mapping. " "Note that this parameter is only available when parsing command-line arguments. " "At runtime, the setmapping command should be used instead.", -1, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(serialmonitors, bool, "If true, serial port monitors will be enabled " "in the GUI, which can be used to peek at serial communications not " "directed to the console. Can be turned off at start time (e.g., in the " "global JeVois params.cfg) as there is some small CPU cost to it.", true, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(camreg, bool, "Enable raw access to camera registers through setcamreg and getcamreg", false, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(imureg, bool, "Enable raw access to IMU registers through setimureg and getimureg", false, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(camturbo, bool, "Enable camera turbo mode by relaxing the need for DMA-coherent video " "buffer memory. This can accelerate severalfolds access to the captured image data, but " "it may also yield stripe artifacts with some modules, such as PassThrough. The stripes " "are pieces of incorrect data in the cache. You should experiment with each particular " "module. Turbo mode is not recommended for any production-grade application.", false, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(serlog, SerPort, "Show log and debug messages on selected serial port(s)", SerPort::None, SerPort_Values, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(serout, SerPort, "Send module serial messages to selected serial port(s)", SerPort::None, SerPort_Values, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(multicam, bool, "Allow up to 3 JeVois cameras on one USB bus. Enabling this " "reduces the amount of USB bandwidth used by each JeVois camera, from 3kb " "per USB isochronous microframe to 1kb. All 3 JeVois cameras must have this " "option enabled, and the JeVois linux kernel module should also have " "been loaded with multicam on.", false, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(quietcmd, bool, "When true, do not issue a message 'OK' after every correct command " "received at the command-line interface. Recommended for advanced users only.", false, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(python, bool, "When true, enable support for modules written in Python. Otherwise, " "attempting to load a python module will throw an exception. Disabling python saves " "a lot of memory and may be useful when using C++ modules that run large deep neural " "networks.", true, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(serlimit, size_t, "Maximum number of serial messages that can be sent by a module " "using sendSerial(), for each video frame, or 0 for no limit. Any message sent by " "the module beyond the first serlimit ones will be dropped. This is useful to avoid " "overloading the serial link, for example in case one is running a ArUco detector and " "a large number of ArUco tags are present in the field of view of JeVois.", 0, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(conslock, bool, "Lock the console and capture the keyboard and mouse to avoid " "interference, only effective on JeVois-Pro Platform, otherwise ignored. Set conslock " "to false if you are experiencing hard crashes and want to run jevoispro-daemon in gdb.", true, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(watchdog, double, "Timeout in seconds after which we kill this process if the main loop " "is stuck somehow, or 0.0 for no watchdog", 10.0, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
jevois::Manager::JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(help, bool, "Print this help message", false, ParamCateg) | jevois::Manager | related |
jevois::Manager::JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(nickname, std::string, "Nickname associated with this camera, useful when multiple " "JeVois cameras are connected to a same USB bus", "jevois", ParamCateg) | jevois::Manager | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(serialdev, std::string, "Hardware (4-pin connector) serial device name, " "or 'stdio' to use the console, or empty for no hardware serial port", JEVOIS_SERIAL_DEFAULT, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(usbserialdev, std::string, "Over-the-USB serial device name, or empty", JEVOIS_USBSERIAL_DEFAULT, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(videoerrors, bool, "Show any machine vision module errors (exceptions) " "in the video stream. Only takes effect if streaming video to USB.", true, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(cpumode, CPUmode, "CPU frequency modulation mode" " for A73 big cores", CPUmode::Performance, CPUmode_Values, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(cpumodel, CPUmode, "CPU frequency modulation mode for A53 little cores", CPUmode::Performance, CPUmode_Values, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(cpumax, unsigned int, "CPU maximum frequency in MHz" ". To enable overclock frequencies above 2208 MHz, you need to first edit " "/boot/env.txt and change max_freq_a73, then reboot. Use with caution!", 2208, { 500, 667, 1000, 1200, 1398, 1512, 1608, 1704, 1800, 1908, 2016, 2100, 2208, 2304, 2400 }, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(cpumaxl, unsigned int, "CPU maximum frequency in MHz, for A53 little cores. " "To enable overclock frequencies above 1800 MHz, you need to first edit " "/boot/env.txt and change max_freq_a53, then reboot. Use with caution!", 1800, { 500, 667, 1000, 1200, 1398, 1512, 1608, 1704, 1800, 1908, 2016, 2100, 2208 }, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(gui, bool, "Use a graphical user interface instead of plain display " "when true", true, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(demomode, float, "Show a demonstration of some available JeVois-Pro " "machine vision modules, cycling to the next modules after a number " "of seconds specified by this parameter (or 0.0 for no demo mode).", 0.0F, ParamCateg) | jevois::Engine | related |
jevois::Manager::JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(loglevel, LogLevel, "Set the minimum log level to display", LogLevel::info, LogLevel_Values, ParamCateg) | jevois::Manager | related |
jevois::Manager::JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER_WITH_CALLBACK(tracelevel, unsigned int, "Set the minimum trace level to display", 0, ParamCateg) | jevois::Manager | related |
JEVOIS_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS(SerPort,(None)(All)(Hard)(USB)) | jevois::Engine | related |
JEVOIS_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS(CPUmode,(PowerSave)(Conservative)(OnDemand)(Interactive)(Performance)) | jevois::Engine | related |
jevois::Manager::JEVOIS_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS(LogLevel,(fatal)(error)(info)(debug)) | jevois::Manager | related |
loadCameraCalibration(std::string const &stem="calibration", bool do_throw=false) | jevois::Engine | |
mainLoop() | jevois::Engine | |
Manager(std::string const &instance="TheManager") | jevois::Manager | |
Manager(int argc, char const *argv[], std::string const &instance="TheManager") | jevois::Manager | |
module() const | jevois::Engine | |
nextDemo() | jevois::Engine | |
numVideoMappings() const | jevois::Engine | |
onParamChange(engine::serialdev const ¶m, std::string const &newval) override | jevois::Engine | protected |
onParamChange(engine::usbserialdev const ¶m, std::string const &newval) override | jevois::Engine | protected |
onParamChange(engine::cpumode const ¶m, engine::CPUmode const &newval) override | jevois::Engine | protected |
onParamChange(engine::cpumax const ¶m, unsigned int const &newval) override | jevois::Engine | protected |
onParamChange(engine::videoerrors const ¶m, bool const &newval) override | jevois::Engine | protected |
onParamChange(engine::gui const ¶m, bool const &newval) override | jevois::Engine | protected |
onParamChange(engine::cpumaxl const ¶m, unsigned int const &newval) override | jevois::Engine | protected |
onParamChange(engine::cpumodel const ¶m, engine::CPUmode const &newval) override | jevois::Engine | protected |
onParamChange(engine::demomode const ¶m, float const &newval) override | jevois::Engine | protected |
jevois::Manager::onParamChange(manager::loglevel const ¶m, manager::LogLevel const &newval) override | jevois::Manager | protected |
jevois::Manager::onParamChange(manager::tracelevel const ¶m, unsigned int const &newval) override | jevois::Manager | protected |
paramInfo(std::shared_ptr< UserInterface > s, std::map< std::string, std::string > &categs, bool skipFrozen, std::string const &cname="", std::string const &pfx="") | jevois::Component | virtual |
parseCommand(std::string const &str, std::shared_ptr< UserInterface > s, std::string const &pfx="") | jevois::Engine | protected |
postInit() override | jevois::Engine | protectedvirtual |
postUninit() | jevois::Component | inlineprotectedvirtual |
preInit() override | jevois::Engine | protectedvirtual |
preUninit() | jevois::Component | inlineprotectedvirtual |
printHelpMessage() const | jevois::Manager | protected |
quit() | jevois::Engine | |
reboot() | jevois::Engine | |
registerPythonComponent(Component *comp, void *pyinst) | jevois::Engine | |
reloadVideoMappings() | jevois::Engine | |
remainingArgs() const | jevois::Manager | |
removeComponent(std::shared_ptr< Comp > &component) | jevois::Manager | |
removeComponent(std::string const &instanceName, bool warnIfNotFound=true) | jevois::Manager | |
removeDynamicParameter(std::string const &name, bool throw_if_not_found=true) | jevois::Component | |
removeParameter(ParameterBase *const param) | jevois::ParameterRegistry | protected |
removeSubComponent(std::shared_ptr< Comp > &component)=delete | jevois::Manager | |
removeSubComponent(std::string const &instanceName, bool warnIfNotFound)=delete | jevois::Manager | |
reportError(std::string const &err) | jevois::Engine | |
reportInfo(std::string const &info) | jevois::Engine | |
requestSetFormat(int idx) | jevois::Engine | |
runScriptFromFile(std::string const &filename, std::shared_ptr< UserInterface > ser, bool throw_no_file) | jevois::Engine | protected |
saveCameraCalibration(CameraCalibration const &calib, std::string const &stem="calibration") | jevois::Engine | |
sendSerial(std::string const &str, bool islog=false) | jevois::Engine | |
setCommandLineArgs(int argc, char const *argv[]) | jevois::Manager | |
setDynamicParameterCallback(std::string const &name, std::function< void(T const &)> cb, bool callnow=true) | jevois::Component | |
setFormat(size_t idx) | jevois::Engine | |
setOpenCVthreading(char const *name="jevois") | jevois::Engine | |
setParamsFromFile(std::string const &filename) | jevois::Component | |
setParamsFromStream(std::istream &is, std::string const &absfile) | jevois::Component | |
setParamString(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, std::string const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setParamStringUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, std::string const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setParamVal(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, T const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setParamValUnique(std::string const ¶mdescriptor, T const &val) | jevois::Component | |
setPath(std::string const &path) | jevois::Component | |
streamOff() | jevois::Engine | |
streamOn() | jevois::Engine | |
unRegisterPythonComponent(Component *comp) | jevois::Engine | |
~Component() | jevois::Component | virtual |
~Engine() | jevois::Engine | |
~Manager() | jevois::Manager | virtual |
~ParameterRegistry() | jevois::ParameterRegistry | virtual |