hum, it looks like your JeVois camera is working fine, but somehow guvcview tries (and fails) to access your sound card, even though you said -ao none.
It maybe that you are logged in as some user on the console (and maybe running X on the pi's screen), and that user then "owns" you sound device. Then remotely you try to access it, maybe as another user (or just being remote is enough) and you get denied because it is owned already.
Can you try that same command as root? This would eliminate permission problems for the audio.
Usually, for remote X, we do here:
ssh -X mypi # (the -X option forwards X)
xhost + # (on desktop with X running, will allow the pi to display)
ssh mypi
export DISPLAY= # replace by IP address of your desktop
guvcview -ao none -f YUYV -x 640x360