yes, a student here is doing something similar, robot localization and mapping using a ring of 8 JeVois cameras. Each camera extracts SURF keypoints and computes the descriptors, and matches the keypoints and descriptors from one video frame to the next, deriving a 3D transform from time t to t+1. Then a central raspberry pi collects the data from all 8 cameras and does some bundle adjustment and computes the motion of the ring in 3D space.
What we decided to do for this project was to simply use text messages over serial. So the data from each camera is sent out simply using sendSerial(). The RPi open 8 serial ports, /dev/ttyACM0 ... /dev/ttyACM7 and collects all the messages. Note that we recently added a parameter "nickname" to jevois::Manager to help disambiguate which camera is which, as they may not always be enumerated in the same order by the host. So on each camera you would set a different nickname in initscript.cfg
Since we do that over USB, with data rate of 480Mbps, we can send lots and lots of such text messages before saturating the USB bandwidth. Doing it over a hardware serial port of course would limit your data rate much more.
Or, you can also transmit images, which may contain whatever you want. See for example where we send out a vector of SIFT descriptors as a greyscale image.