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Can JeVois output bounding box coordinate data?

0 votes
I haven't gotten my JeVois Smart Camera yet, but a question came to mind that I wanted to ask beforehand: can the JeVois output simple coordinates for a target's bounding box?

I'm working with a team that needs a robot with simple vision capabilities and approaching colored targets is one task we'd like to accomplish. The way I planned to do this was to have a bounding box drawn around the target and then get information about the coordinates of its corners. I don't really care about the image itself, only the coordinates so the robot can find centers and rotate to bring them into the middle of the image.

Is the JeVois capable of doing this? The robot's processor is a NI roboRIO, which has USB A and B ports, I2C, SPI, RS232, analog inputs, and an expansion port. I'll have a link to the device itself along with the expansion port's pinout below.

Any advice is appreciated. I'm not afraid to make changes to the JeVois itself to accomplish this goal, but I'm unfamiliar with it and will probably need a bit of guidance in that direction. Right now I'm thinking the JeVois could treat the RIO as an Arduino or Raspberry Pi and communicate through the expansion port, but writing an interface for that is something I'm not familiar with either.

Thank you!




A few other teams in our competition plan on using this as well, and one proposed simply sending the target data through USB. Is this a built-in capability for the JeVois or would it need to be added somehow? Could the JeVois act as a sort of server and publish the values using a static IP for the RIO to read via USB? That's already built into the RIO, so it'd be the most convenient option in my opinion.
asked Dec 1, 2017 in Programmer Questions by carson.fitz (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The JeVois has no Ethernet capability. You need to use either USB or TTL serial.

The RoboRio can use either. The choice comes down to 115Kbits a second for TTL, or 480Mbs USB.
answered Dec 2, 2017 by Billbo911 (1,110 points)
edited Dec 2, 2017 by Billbo911