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no video - just black

0 votes
I've gone through the quick start instructions for both Windows and Linux and have yet to see any video stream.  Fan comes on, get steady green and orange lights.  Can connect to the serial over usb interface via /dev/ttyACM0 on linux and get output from "help" and "info".  guvcview and AMCap report no errors when selecting the jevois video input but neither one shows anything but a full black screen.  Any ideas?
asked Mar 26, 2017 in Hardware Questions by 6567 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Is it clean pure black, or some noisy black? Did you check that there is nothing on the lens that would obscure the view (this would likely give you some noisy black)?

If nothing is obstructing the lens, you might have received a defective unit, this would be the 6th bad unit so far out of about 1000 shipped.

Please contact us through kickstarter, you should be able to send a message to the creator. This way, we will get your backer info and we can send you a replacement unit to try out that we will test again before we ship.
answered Mar 28, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
It is just a solid clean pure black.  Nothing is obstructing the lens that I can tell.  I'll contact via Kickstarter.  Thanks.