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Green light, camera working, but nothing else

0 votes
I received my Jevois today, flashed the software on SD card with success and inserted it in the device. When I connect the device to my Windows computer I see the green light, the fan start and the device is recognized by the computer. I can see the video in AMCap. However, I see no detection marks of anything. The light always stays green, no orange.

Any idea?
asked Mar 27, 2017 in User questions by Hamstav (160 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Another member here noted that the red LED is quite weak compared to the green, maybe yours is extra weak? did you try looking directly into the LED hole in the case?

To get the different processing modes in AMCap, you need to select different resolutions and video modes. The ones that have markings on the video are mostly in YUYV pixel format (AMCap calls it YUY2), various resolutions. Please see

http://jevois.org/doc/UserStartWindows.html  for how to change resolution in AMCap

http://jevois.org/start/start.html under "demos" for info about which algorithm runs for different resolutions
answered Mar 28, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Mar 28, 2017 by Hamstav
I would say my orange led is so weak, it doesn't work at all!
Everything else works great. Thanks for the help.
If you wish so, we will replace your camera, just contact us via kickstarter, as it looks like half of the dual-color LED is not working. If you can live with it, then it looks like you will just miss the red LED but everything else seems ok on your unit.