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usbsd start -- not working?

0 votes

Alright thank you!

I am currently stuck at trying to access the microSD card. I bought the JeVois with the microSD card having the software flashed, so I did not need to do that step.

But whenever I use the "jevois-usbsd start" command, I get errors. Currently, I am getting a "Timeout communicating with JeVois -- ABORT". I also receive "Cannot access /dev/ttyAMC0 -- is JeVois plugged in? -- ABORT". I am not sure how to proceed. I figured if I am able to access the microSD's contents, I can then program using Python and build my machine vision algorithm there. 

Any ideas as to why these errors come up and how to fix them?

asked Jan 5, 2018 in User questions by ShadowMan4 (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
this looks like the virtualbox problem discussed in the related thread. We are looking into it.
answered Jan 5, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)