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How to set output on guvcview

0 votes
When connecting jevois to Linux, I can only change the input resolution of Jevois but I cannot set the output resolution with guvcview. This means I cannot load video mappings like "25 - OUT: YUYV 640x300 @ 60fps CAM: YUYV 320x240 @ 60fps MOD: JeVois:DemoSaliency" because guvcview assumes that the output and input resolution are the same.
asked Mar 13, 2018 in User questions by Dextrous (240 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
The selection of which module runs when you select a given resolution in guvcview is configured in a file, JEVOIS:/config/videomappings.cfg

As far as guvcview is concerned, you only select a given video resolution, which is the output resolution of JeVois. Using the mappings file, JeVois then decides which camera sensor resolution to use and which machine vision module to run. So, to trigger mapping 25 that you mention, you just need to select YUYV 640x300 @ 60fps in guvcview (the OUT: part).

Please see here for more details:



and here for the policy about how we avoid ambiguous mappings (which would have same output resolution and framerate):

answered Mar 20, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)