I have been trying to use the lbpcascade approach to detecting faces using the JeVois camera. I have been following the tutorial from the link below, but I can't seem to transfer the code over to the camera without it crashing. The main error it gives me is "(-215) !empty() in function detectmultiscale", and I have been told that this means you don't have the correct file path in the calling of "detectmultiscale". However I feel that my file paths are sound.
face_cascade = cv2.CascadeClassifier('jevois/share/facedetector/lbpcascade_frontalface.xml')
gray = cv2.imread("jevois/share/facedetector/rooster.jpg")
faces = face_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, 1.2, 5);
These are the lines of code in question, and I have added the "lbpcascade_frontalface.xml" in correct directory, as well as the "rooster.jpg". Any help for how to accomplish facial detection in python with the JeVois camera specifically would be much appreciated. I say specifically because my problem lies in the altering of the code from online tutorials, to make it compatible with the JeVois camera. So I don't feel that links to tutorials that teach you how to do facial detection with other hardware will be of much use to me. Thank you for your time!