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AM Cap software doesn't show split screen

0 votes
AMCap software All I'm seeing is the camera screen and not the right hand sided low pixel display. Is there some other software to use? The OBS Studio said I needed a different gpu or newer drivers.
asked Apr 3, 2018 in Hardware Questions by CoralXray2018 (360 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
You can also try webcamoid which was recently suggested by a user. We will add some docs about it soon.


With AmCap, maybe your issue is just that you are grabbing in MJPEG, which by default will just show raw video with no processing. Make sure you select YUY2, we have some instructions and screenshots here:


The video modes that involve some processing in the camera use YUY2 or Greyscale outputs to the host computer.
answered Apr 3, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)