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Cannot change the mapping

0 votes
Hi JeVois,

I got my JeVois today and I am very happy. I updated to JeVois 1.8.0 for using it with Windows 10.

As standard it seems to run:

INFO: OUT: YUYV 1280x1092 @ 7fps CAM: YUYV 1280x1024 @ 7fps MOD: JeVois:TensorFlowEasy

-> I switched it to another mode like

 OUT: GREY 320x240 @ 59fps CAM: YUYV 320x240 @ 59fps MOD: JeVois:EdgeDetection

with <<setmapping>>, but when I connect OBS and start streaming it falls back to TensorFlowEasy.

In every step it told OK.

I am a little confused. Did I missed a step?

Greetings Thomas
asked Apr 9, 2018 in Programmer Questions by thommy1988 (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Yes, please see my answer to your other post (sorry it took a while to reply).

Using OBS Studio in Windows 10 please see http://jevois.org/doc/UserStartWindows.html and in particular these steps:

When you double-click on [the video] source, a dialog comes up. In there, select:

  • Device: JeVois-A33 Video Camera (this is the name Windows assigns to JeVois; it may differ on different Windows versions, just pick the device that you know is not your built-in webcam if you have one).
  • Resolution/FPS type: custom
  • Resolution: pick any that you want to try out
  • FPS: Highest FPS
(note: the OBS interface may be a bit different based on exact version, but the idea is the same: pick a resolution and framerate until you see some video appear in OBS).
You may also want to check out webcamoid which makes switching resolutions very easy.
answered Apr 9, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)