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Silly question - Missing steps to change the mappings?

0 votes

I have problems with setting a new mapping with Jevois 1.8.0. After flashing the micro sd card with the newest Jevois version, Tenserflow easy is set as standard mapping and works very well. But if change the the mapping with the serial command setmapping <<num>> eg. edge detection it gives me a OK and if I run info it shows me that it is using it. But when I connect OBS to it, it falls back to Tensorflow easy. What command do I have to run? I am sorry for this question...

Hope somebody can help :)

Greetings Thomas

PS: Using it with Windows 10 (x64)
asked Apr 9, 2018 in User questions by thommy1988 (140 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
oh, yes, setmapping will load the corresponding module, but with most video capture software running on your host, they will request a given video resolution when they start, which will in essence issue another setmapping again.

So, to change which module runs in the camera, you just need to select the appropriate video resolution in your video capture software. For example, if you set your video capture software to 640x300 YUYV, this will load and run DemoSaliency in JeVois.

Please see http://jevois.org/doc/UserQuick.html at the bottom of the page for links for how to get that going with Windows, Linux, and Mac hosts.
answered Apr 9, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)