Hi! I am trying to implement a handwritten digits and character recognition code to Jevois camera in C++. The algorithm I am using in OpenCV is svm. In order to save the processing time, I want to load the trained model by using:
Ptr<SVM> svm1 = cv::ml::SVM::load("8.xml");
(I have copied the file 8.xml to the same path as the .C file) .
so that I can use: svm->predict() later to do the prediction for the testing video.
However when I try to cross compile and run the camera, I see following error in the guvcview: Caught std::exception (....path/opencv2/core.hpp:3142:error (-215 fs.isOpened in function load). There is no error during the cross-compling and these commands work fine in Opencv without Jevois framework (processing video etc.). Is this kind of operation possible? If so where did I do wrong?
Under Jevois framework I am able to read xml.file using the cv::FileStorage Class by using sth like (cv::FileStorage fsClassifications(filename, cv::FileStorage::READ);), while I am not sure how to import data from it and apply it to the svm->predict()
Could you maybe give me a hint on that?
Thanks in advance!