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JeVois went dead no led

0 votes

After a short start vido the camera stop working ,so I

restarted and on led

downloaded ver .8 and flashed still no led

I downloaded ver. .7 and the same no led

I down the interventor and the hole sdk

connect the serial cable and added the vobrose mode and madea log file on the sd card

no led and nothingthing can in on the serial port

I think it 's dead

now what ?
asked Jun 29, 2018 in Hardware Questions by Neal (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Please check this

- usb cable ok? Do you have some other mini-USB cable to try?

- sd card fully inserted? See pictures at http://jevois.org/start/start.html

- usb port ok? Try to plug in some other device like an external hdd, is it working? Try to plug JeVois into a different computer, still no led?

Otherwise, maybe your camera received some physical damage. Please email us at jevoisinc@gmail.com with your order information and we will help you with getting a replacement.
answered Jun 30, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)