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jevois-daemon using

0 votes

    i want to test jevois on host, I run jevois-daemon and can't see the camera preview after compile jevois and jevoisbase. How can I see the preview on host mode. I can see camera video when i use ffplay and guvcview.

follow is the jevois-daemon log message.

INF Engine::Engine: Loaded 40 vision processing modes.
ERR Engine::onParamChange: Cannot set cpu max frequency -- IGNORED
ERR Engine::onParamChange: Cannot set cpu frequency governor mode -- IGNORED
INF Engine::onParamChange: Using [stdio] hardware (4-pin connector) serial port
INF Engine::onParamChange: No USB serial port used
INF Engine::postInit: Starting camera device /dev/video0
ERR Engine::postInit: Could not access VFE turbo parameter -- IGNORED
INF Camera::Camera: [9] V4L2 camera /dev/video0 card Webcam C170 bus usb-0000:02:03.0-1
INF Engine::postInit: Using display for video output
init done
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: OUT: YUYV 640x300 @ 60fps CAM: YUYV 320x240 @ 60fps MOD: JeVois:DemoSaliency
INF Camera::setFormat: Camera set video format to 320x240 YUYV
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Instantiating dynamic loader for /jevois/modules/JeVois/DemoSaliency/DemoSaliency.so
INFO: JeVois 1.0
INFO: Linux version 4.8.0-38-generic
ERR /jevois/modules/JeVois/DemoSaliency/script.cfg:1: FTL SysInfo::getFileString: Cannot read file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
ERR /jevois/modules/JeVois/DemoSaliency/script.cfg:1: Unsupported command
FTL SysInfo::getFileString: Cannot read file: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Module [DemoSaliency] loaded, initialized, and ready.
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: OUT: YUYV 640x360 @ 30fps CAM: YUYV 320x240 @ 30fps MOD: JeVois:JeVoisIntro
INF Camera::setFormat: Camera set video format to 320x240 YUYV
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Instantiating dynamic loader for /jevois/modules/JeVois/JeVoisIntro/JeVoisIntro.so
INF FaceDetector::postInit: my path is /jevois/modules/JeVois/JeVoisIntro
INF ObjectRecognition::postInit: Loaded pre-trained weights from /jevois/modules/JeVois/JeVoisIntro/tiny-dnn/MNIST/weights.tnn
INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Module [JeVoisIntro] loaded, initialized, and ready.
INF Camera::streamOn: 27 buffers of 153600 bytes allocated
asked Feb 22, 2017 in User questions by tony.liang (120 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

Thank you for your patience. A new version (1.0b) of the easy install package has been uploaded on Feb 28, 2017. Please see updated instructions at



Please also see this youtube video that runs through the easy install process:


answered Mar 1, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)