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Can other python libraries be installed on the Jevois?

0 votes

I'm currently using the OpenCV Python modules and would like to know if it's possible to install other python packages such as scikit learn or matlabplot. Would I be able to use pip or another package manager to do this?
asked Aug 19, 2018 in Programmer Questions by garwerd (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Great question. The current model is that you would need to add those to buildroot, which will then cross-compile and install. It is quite easy for us to do that. Let me look into these two to get a feel for what would be required.
answered Aug 20, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Hi, I was wondering if this had been achieved? I'd also find it really useful to have Sklearn. Is there a tutorial that you could point me to for installing packages manually?
Hello, I would also like to install other python libraries such as maskrcnn.  Has this been implemented?
well, yes and no. Please see
the section where we describe the added support for pip.

So pip works if you first download a package and copy it to microSD.

Now the problem is that most python modules that do something interesting ... are not written in python! I am guessing this is the case of markrcnn. So to install that one, you would need a cross-compiled version of the package. You may want to check piwheels.org for cross-compiled wheels (JeVois uses python 3.7, so you need cp37m wheels).

Now if all you want is run maskrcnn then I think you would be better off trying to get that running through opencv as opposed to some other package. JeVois supports full opencv 4.1.1. So you need to find a way to run maskrcnn in opencv and that will work on JeVois. Just beware, it might be very slow and/or run out of memory. I have not seen tiny versions of maskrcnn for embedded platforms yet.