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JeVois Camera feed is very dim?

0 votes
Hi! I just gotten my camera and am super excited however the camera feed on mac's photo booth seems super dim may i know is this normal?

below is the link to a screenshot of the video feed

asked Apr 15, 2017 in User questions by zacwy (180 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
I assume you removed the sticker that was on the lens of the camera sensor to protect it during shipping?

Can you try to get the Webcam Settings app from the app store and see whether fiddling with those might help? In particular, try to switch to manual exposure and manual gain and then try to crank the exposure and gain values up?
answered Apr 19, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Yeaps i did remove the sticker, ok i will take a look at the apps thanks!
just posted a new MicroSD image, 1.0c, which allows for a wider range of automatic gain control, can you please download and try it to see if that works better for you? It is the new 'latest MicroSD image' at http://jevois.org/start
ok I will give it a try, i think next weekish, I am abit tied down this week thanks =)