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I wrote my first New Machine Vision Module. Now I see Support mapping with NO USB output: Maybe. What is wrong?

0 votes
I wrote my first New Machine Vision Module. The cam is connected to an Arduino.The dataflow to the Arduino only functions, when I start the Inventor or AM Cap. Also I see Support mapping with NO USB output: Maybe. What is may mistake?
asked Oct 3, 2018 in Programmer Questions by Peter (580 points)

1 Answer

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oh, that is normal, it is only for Python modules created from JeVois Inventor. We do not yet have a way to parse the module for documentation purposes, and thus we do not yet detect in the inventor whether a module supports no-USB-out or not.

So, during creation of the module, we just add stub docs to the module which contain this "maybe" word (since we do not know for sure).

This will eventually get fixed when we port the doc generation from comments in the source code to within the inventor.

If you want to support a mapping with no USB output, you need to write a function

def processNoUSB(self, inframe):

in your module. This is the one that will get called when using setmapping2 to set a no-USB-out mode.

answered Oct 4, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)