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How do I detect the end of capturing a frame

0 votes
I want to be able to strobe a set of LED lights every other frame. If I could have a python call back that sends a serial message when a frame ends I should be able to achieve this.

Is there a way for me to know when the sensor is starting/finishing taking a frame?

Edit: To clarify, if this is not possible with python modules, I can work with C++ as well. Also, if I could induce a frame capture when I receive a serial message I could have an Arduino send messages at 30Hz and maybe achieve a similar result. Is this possible?
asked Nov 1, 2018 in Programmer Questions by SpyGuyIan (270 points)
edited Nov 4, 2018 by SpyGuyIan

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
In the process() function of your module, doing a get() on the input frame will block until that frame is fully captured, and will return as soon as possible after the frame is ready. That would work both in Python and C++. If you get the frame as raw (jevois RawImage format), then no CPU will be spent converting it to another pixel format, hence getting you the shortest latency between frame ready and inframe.get() returning.

We also have had some previous discussion on this topic which I just found, here: http://jevois.org/qa/index.php?qa=440
answered Nov 6, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Nov 6, 2018 by SpyGuyIan