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Using older jevois versions

+1 vote

I'm using jevois and jevoisbase compiled from source.

I saw you updated recently to jevois-1.10 which was automatically done by my ubuntu. It is very nice that frequent updates are coming but after each update my old code is not working anymore. Also I have to update/recompile all the libraries. From the update of 1.8 to 1.9 a problem was introduced that cost us more than a week to find/fix.

So it would be really nice if it was easier to just stick with the old version or at least provide more backwards compatibility. Is it possible somehow to just install jevois-sdk etc with a fixed version?

Thanks and regards,
asked Nov 6, 2018 in Programmer Questions by phildue (420 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
Oh, yes, updates are always optional, you are welcome to just keep the old code forever. This is something you need to configure into Ubuntu, you can disable automatic updates or have it ask you, it is somewhere in the "settings" of Ubuntu. I usually disable all auto-updates on my Ubuntu desktop and server machines, otherwise new auto-updates to the linux kernel of Ubuntu always end up breaking the nvidia drivers and then all of the deep learning pipelines go down, etc.

Generally speaking:

- updates to jevois-sdk are made when some change in the linux kernel, opencv version, jevois operating system, etc are made. So those tend to be bigger system-level changes. You should get those updates if you want those new things (e.g., newer opencv).

- updates to jevois and jevoisbase sometimes just add new user features, new machine vision modules, etc.

Please don't hesitate to post here with any error you are getting after an update, we will help you.
answered Nov 6, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Nov 13, 2018 by phildue
Hi thanks for the quick reply.

About the error I asked already a question here. Thanks

Is it possible to install the older packages via the package manager? I tried using jevois-sdk=1.9.0 but it does not seem to find it. Also when I check with apt-cache I can only find 1.10. If that is not possible how would I get the packages with version 1.9?