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Older deb versions archive

0 votes
Hi, again!

It would be nice if you do not immediately remove older deb packages from your atp repo. If your hosting is running out of space, there are lot of free or almost free file hosting alternatives :) Absence of older packages causing not trivial problems if I have older firmware and need to rebuild something for it.

So, please provide us access to older deb versions archive. Packages for supported Ubuntu LTS editions would be enough for many cases.

Thanks and regards
asked Nov 9, 2018 in Programmer Questions by NikPok (390 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Yes, no problem, please see https://jevois.usc.edu/old/

We will look into pushing those back into the deb repo, so far we have only kept the latest debs in there to be sure we don't run into problems with users installing the wrong version somehow. If the above link is enough for you, maybe that will do the trick.
answered Nov 9, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Nov 11, 2018 by NikPok
Oh, thanks a lot, such simple link really did the trick for me (because I know about dpkg -i etc)

I understand the reason about the latest debs but I think that publishing information about link https://jevois.usc.edu/old/ for everyone in documents will be the right way.
