A friend is on the standby list for PI Wars and i have suggested that we use my jevois camera for the autonomous challenges, i.e. detect coloured shapes and move towards them. That way we can use his PI 0 for the actual robot and offload the image processing.
So, I have followed the script to control a pan/tilt connected to an arduino, this works so I know I am entering commands correctly, e.g serout T2 10000 10000
I have connected the yellow lead to the PI Tx input on GPIO14, physical 8, ground and power to 3.3V
followed instructions to disable console login, enable serial interface etc.
tried this code
import serial
import time
serdev = '/dev/serial0' # serial device of PI
with serial.Serial(serdev, 115200, timeout=1) as ser:
while 1:
# Read a whole line and strip any trailing line ending character:
line = ser.readline().rstrip()
print "received: {}".format(line)
I have tried other examples from the web, with and without sudo.
Nothing is being output.
Currently very confused, so my question is has anyone connected the jevois to a Raspberry PI using the serial interface, and if so, how.
Steve gale