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Jevois Cam + arduino : camera seems to stop sending serial data

+1 vote

I'm using jevois cam with arduino, trying to detect specific object with DetectionDNN. My code is waiting for serial data from the camera and woks fine for a few minutes. But then it seems that the camera is not sending anymore data (Serial.available() < 0). Is that possible that the camera serial buffer is full and need to be flushed ? If so, how can i tell the camera to flush the buffer ?

Thanks !
asked Nov 16, 2018 in Programmer Questions by opusr (520 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Sometimes the serial buffer starts choking and getting slow on the USB side of things. We had a couple other posts about that. This is because from the JeVois side, we have no way of detecting whether someone is listening to the serial-over-USB on the host or not.

So, if you had serial outputs also sent to USB, try to disable that. In your initscript, you should use

setpar serout Hard

Other than that, it may be some issues with your arduino. You connected the red wire from JeVois to the correct voltage on your Arduino, right?

answered Nov 16, 2018 by JeVois (46,580 points)
I already use setpar serout Hard, and i did connected red wire from JeVois to IOREF from arduino uno. I think everythink is right, i am going to inspect a bit more. Thank you for your answer.
I am having exactly the same problem.  I am using the TensorFlow easy module.  

Just like @opusr said, it works for maybe a minute and then just stops sending data. I too am using "setpar serout Hard"  I have an Arduino Mega and have not previously had any problems communicating via serial with the JeVois.  Interestingly, the length of time it takes to stop working decreases with time.  Initially it may work for a minute but after a few JeVois power cycles, it will generally stop working after only a few seconds.  It makes me think that the JeVois is overheating.  However, when the JeVois is connected to the PC's serial port it is rock solid and runs with out problem indefinitely.

I can confirm that the problem occurs with both IOREF and Vcc on the Arduino.

This is really strange.   Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

Dave A