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Jevois detected by Windows but no video

+6 votes
I connected Jevois to my Windows 10 PC using the supplied Y cable with both USB-A ends connected to USB 2 ports.

JeVoid powers up, fan starts, the orange led flash and stays on after a few seconds as described in the quick start guide. In windows device manager, I can see a new entry for "Video Control" under "Imaging devices"

However when I start Amcap, it hangs for about 10 seconds. Then an error appears saying "Enable to render the vido preview stream, The parameter is incorrect. (87)"

Trying to start the video feed with any other program gives no video capture device error.

Any advice on what the problem might be? It feels like a driver issue bit I thought Jevois is pretty much plug and play. Thanks.
asked Apr 23, 2017 in User questions by Cantstopplay (260 points)

6 Answers

0 votes
I am having exactly the same problem - with the device being correctly identified by windows (in device manager) but under AMCAP listed as Video Control.

I'm using USB 3 ports / Windows 10.
answered Apr 23, 2017 by stonewater (150 points)
0 votes
Similar problem here, except I'm using Linux (Ubuntu 14.04). I connected Jevois to two USB 2.0 ports on my Lenovo T460s laptop using the supplied Y cable.

The camera powers up and I am able to connect to the camera via GUVCView. However, the video display is black. I have tried maximizing the brightness and gain of the video, however, that was to no avail.

Edit: Just found a similar question: http://jevois.org/qa/index.php?qa=142&qa_1=no-video-just-black
answered Apr 23, 2017 by Slim (150 points)
All black video display may mean a bad camera sensor. Please contact us via kickstarter (send message to creator) and we will send you a new camera to try out.
0 votes
If you see the device appear in Windows, the hardware looks all good and has correctly booted up and loaded the software. We have seen the "Unable to render" error in AMCap when trying to capture and render greyscale or other video formats, but it has been good in YUYV (they call it YUY2).

The JeVois camera shows up either as "UVC camera" (as in our tutorial videos) or "Video Control" (reported by some users), I guess depending on Windows version and such. Both names are ok and are not important, as long as the camera is detected by AMCap.

Please have a look at this video, especially around 5:29: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HdmmU7385jY

Can you try this:

- make sure the correct camera is selected if you have several, by going to Options -> Devices and selecting "Video Control", "UVC Camera" or whatever is not another camera you have (like built-in camera of a laptop).

- Then go to Options->Video Device->Capture Format and make sure YUY2 is selected as the "Color space / compression"

- Then you should be able to select various resolutions and enjoy.

If the problem persists, can you try the JeVois camera on a Mac or Linux PC that you or a friend might have? Also, maybe take a video of the steps you are taking and send us a link to jevois.org@gmail.com and we can have a look and help further.
answered Apr 25, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
0 votes

I am also experiencing the same issue on my one laptop running Windows 10, tried selecting YUV2 but still doesn't work but on my other laptop running Windows 7, it works 100%.

answered Apr 25, 2017 by JacoRoselt (140 points)
0 votes
Same here!

On my Windows10 Desktop PC, its not working and AMCap is freezing a while and after some seconds posting the same "Enable to render the vido preview stream, The parameter is incorrect. (87)" error.

This pc is using a Windows InsiderPreviewBuild.

On my second Windows10 its working.

Any ideas?
answered Apr 27, 2017 by Yuri (150 points)
+2 votes
Ok, apparently this is a known issue on Windows 10 Anniversary update, where Microsoft introduced a new Windows Camera Frame Server and redirected all application access to webcam through it.


I followed the steps in the article below to disable the frameserver in registry and the camera started working after a reboot.


Hope this works for other people.
answered Apr 27, 2017 by Cantstopplay (260 points)
Hi, Cantstopplay

The problem was solved in the above way!

Thanks a lot!

Let's keep enjoying together.
Thank you so much, Cantstopplay!
While adding these registry entries works for some installations of Win 10, it does not work for all.