Hi guys,
I tried to install and run the latest Jevois 1.11.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 and met some problems. Although I solved it, I still don't know why. So I would like to ask here to get some ideas.
With a fully new installed Ubuntu 18.04, I used the method mentioned on https://jevois.usc.edu/ to install all Jevois packages. The exact command I used was 'sudo apt-get install jevois-sdk-dev'. And everything went on well. At this step, I assume that everything should be installed on my computer.
Then I went to my Jevois module (it was written by my colleague, so I am sure it could be built) and run './rebuild-platform'. But an error was issued, which is list below,
/var/lib/jevois-build/usr/include/jevoisbase/Components/ObjectDetection/Yolo.H:24:10: fatal error: nnpack.h: No such file or directory
#include <nnpack.h>
compilation terminated.
From my understanding, it means that there is no "nnpack.h" file on my computer. The question is that I have already used 'apt-get install' to install Jevoisbase package. Shouldn't the packages/dependencies including "nnpack,h" also be installed on my computer?
I solved this issue by cloning Jevoisbase repository and went to /jevoisbase/Contrib to execute ./reinstal.sh. After this, my project could be built without errors.
To make my question clear, why "apt-get install jevoisbase" does not install packages including "nnpack.h" and why do I have to go to jevoisbase source folder to install these manually?
I am very new to this area, if I asked some very basic or stupid questions, please correct me. Thanks in advance.