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HSV values of moths on sticky trap

0 votes
How does the HSV system work? Everything i've looked at says H is an angle with 360 values?

How can i work out the HSV value of my moths?
related to an answer for: Detecting moths in pheromone traps
asked Jan 11, 2019 in User questions by hortplus (260 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If you are using OpenCV in the backend (like we do in all our HSV-related modules), their range is 0...180 and hues as follows:

0=red/do not use because of wraparound, 30=yellow, 45=light green, 60=green, 75=green cyan, 90=cyan, 105=light blue, 120=blue, 135=purple, 150=pink

Usually you would start in the inventor with widening the double-cursor slider to the full range. Then bring one cursor towards the center until you start losing your objects, then back a bit. Finally same for the second cursor. You may want to first also widen the saturation and value sliders too, then try to narrow down all three ranges in sequence.
answered Jan 14, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)