There are two ways of selecting a vision module:
- either pick a resolution on a video capture software when running with USB video output
- or send a setmapping2 command when running headless (no host computer grabbing video from jevois)
If your machine vision module supports headless operation with not video out, then you can switch between modules on the fly, you just send the following commands (e.g., so select the ArUco module):
setmapping2 YUYV 320 240 30.0 JeVois DemoArUco
Those commands can be issued at any time, not only in initscript.cfg. To see if a module supports headless operation, please see its doc page, either in the inventor or online. It is indicated near the author name, etc towards top.
In JeVois Inventor 0.5.0 we added a Preferences menu that allows to start the inventor in headless mode. You should proceed as follows:
- check the headless checkbox in preferences
- close the inventor
- disconnect and reconnect jevois
- start the inventor
If you had a setmapping2 in initscript.cfg, that module will be running headless. If you want to switch to another module, send the above commands in the console.