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"ImportError:: No Module named libjevois" for windows 10 running PyCharm error.

0 votes
Im trying to do my work on a Windows 10 machine running PyCharm Community 2018.3.3. I'm having no problem with "Import cv2" and "Import numpy" but when I run my program it won't resolve libjevois and I get "ImportError:: No Module named libjevois."   I'm trying to run it in the Python 2.7 interpreter.  I have Jevois Inventor installed and all modules run perfectly.  Did I miss some install step for jevois on Windows?

Thank you!
asked Jan 13, 2019 in Programmer Questions by ericds (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
I am not sure I fully understand your setup but I am guessing you are trying to write python code using PyCharm and then just running it from there?

That will not work, JeVois Python modules are not full standalone python programs. They only define a class with a specific interface (process() function, etc). Then, it is a running jevois-daemon program that would load that class and invoke the functions it exposes. The jevois-daemon is needed as it is the one doing video image capture, sending video to USB, etc. That stuff is not in libjevois, libjevois just provides helpers to the Python module to do things like image format conversions and such.

So I would recommend:

- create the module in JeVois Inventor first using the "create new module..." menu.

- then run the module in the inventor by selecting the new entry in the vision modules menu

- then go to the code and click "save to local" to save it to your host computer

- then you can edit that in PyCharm as you like

- when you are ready to test, save from PyCharm to your computer's hard drive

- then back to the inventor do a "load from local" and load the file you just saved

- finally CTRL-S to save that file to JeVois and run it on the camera.
answered Jan 14, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)