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DemoArUco unable to get 3D pose

0 votes

Hi Team,

I had been trying to get the 3D pose serial printed while running DemoArUco. Unfortunately I am unable to do so and the serial output print 2D message.

I set the dopose to true.

<!--StartFragment-->setpar serout USB

setpar serstyle Detail

setpar dopose true

setpar serprec 5<!--EndFragment-->

Can someone help me out here?


asked Jan 20, 2019 in Programmer Questions by ashwinsushil (240 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
have you tried this with JeVois Inventor? One thing that comes to mind is that those commands should be issued after the module is loaded, as loading a module will reset its parameters. Or maybe you are using a resolution for which no calibration is available? Can you turn on serial log messages to USB and serial out messages to USB in the Inventor's Console tab, then set to Detail and finally go check dopose in the Parameters tab, and see whether you get any errors?
answered Jan 23, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Jan 28, 2019 by ashwinsushil
Thank you. Like you mentioned I was setting the params in initial config file. All I had to do is set the parameters in the param config file.