I am building a battery powered system with JeVois. The idea is to start two different scripts via the UART connection. One for starting TensorFlow, setting the CPU rate and categorize the detected object and another one to stop TensorFlow and reduce the CPU clock rate to 120 MHz to safe energy.
cpumax 1344 #set CPU maximum frequency
setmapping2 YUYV 1280 1024 7.0 JeVois TensorFlowEasy #start TensorFlowEasy
setpar serout USB
#setpar serlog USB #debug output
setpar serstyle Normal #Normal: topcateg:topscore
CameraOn works pretty well. I got a problem with CameraOff.cfg.
setmapping 0 #no videostreaming over USB
setpar cpumax 120 #set CPU maximum frequency (default setting 1344)
setmapping 0 starts an module. Is there any way to stop TensorFlow without starting another module or an "low-power-consumption" module?