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absexp in initscript.cfg not working

0 votes

I have adjusted (almost) all of the camera settings to optimize my vision system and I wanted to have them last through power cycles, so I added lots of setcam lines in the initscript.cfg file. After realizing what order I needed to put them in (autoexp before autogain, etc), all of the configurations except absexp produced the wanted result (updating the camera settings properly). I have tried placing the line "setcam absexp 78" before and after "streamon", after "autowb", after "gain", and after "start". I am getting errors that I don't understand and have pasted below.

Here is my initscript.cfg:

setpar serlog USB

setpar serout USB


setcam presetwb 0

setcam autoexp 1

setcam autogain 0

setcam autowb 1

setcam brightness -3

setcam contrast 3

setcam saturation 4

setcam gain 16

setcam absexp 78


Here is what is printed to the console when I boot the camera:

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 9 on entity 1

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 9 on entity 1

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 9 on entity 1

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 9 on entity 1

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 20 on entity 1

ERR Gadget::processEventControl: Unsupported control with length 10 -- SENDING BLANK RESPONSE

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 20 on entity 1

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 20 on entity 1

ERR Gadget::processEventControl: Unsupported control with length 10 -- SENDING BLANK RESPONSE

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 20 on entity 1

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 20 on entity 1

ERR Gadget::processEventControl: Unsupported control with length 10 -- SENDING BLANK RESPONSE

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 20 on entity 1

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 9 on entity 1

FTL Gadget::uvcToV4Lcontrol: Request to access unsupported control 9 on entity 1

INF Engine::setFormatInternal: OUT: MJPG 320x240 @ 20fps CAM: YUYV 320x240 @ 20fps MOD: TeamSPORK:GreenRetroDetect Python

INF Camera::setFormat: Camera set video format to 320x240 YUYV

INF Gadget::setFormat: USB Gadget set video format to 320x240 MJPG

INF Engine::setFormatInternal: Module [GreenRetroDetect] loaded, initialized, and ready.

INF Camera::streamOn: 5 buffers of 153600 bytes allocated

INF Gadget::streamOn: 4 buffers of 153600 bytes allocated

asked Jan 26, 2019 in Programmer Questions by justephens (230 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
the errors you see are coming from your host computer requesting values for camera parameters which JeVois had declared it does not support. Basically, when the JeVois is connected to the host, it sends to the host a number of descriptors which indicate what camera controls it supports. For example, it supports adjusting contrast and brightness but not hue (our sensor uses red balance and blue balance instead of a single hue control). But some hosts (Windows in particular, Android too) just ignore this and then later ask JeVois for its value of parameter hue... So we just issue an error message to console and return a phony value to the host.

Other than that and as noted in another post, moving those settings from initscript.cfg to your module's params.cfg will do the trick, as loading a module and changing resolution resets some of the camera controls (initscript.cfg is run before a module is loaded, params.cfg is run after it is loaded).
answered Jan 29, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)