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Multiple Jevois too much bandwidth at Roborio FRC

0 votes

I have 2 Jevois Camera that have newer firmware than the 1.7.2b which fixed the problem for another team here (http://jevois.org/qa/index.php?qa=1784&qa_1=multiple-usb-jevois-bandwidth-limit). I scaled the resolution down to 160 x 120 at 6 and 12 fps respectively but roborio says it has too much bandwidth.

I am currently using the PassThrough module and I also tried the Convert module from YUYV to MJPG whcih the other team tried to no avail.

If I run each one on its own, it runs perfectly well (roborio says 0.1 Mbps) , but if I run both, it gives me the bandwidth error (roborio says inf Mbps).

asked Feb 22, 2019 in Programmer Questions by SJATEAM6330 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
yes, even though this mode is now available, it is not enabled by default because it increases latency (time between frame capture and full reception by the host) slightly.

please see http://jevois.org/doc/Multicam.html

you need to write an empty file called multicam into the BOOT: partition of the microSD card to activate this feature.
answered Feb 22, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)
In the console of JeVois inventor, you can type:

shell touch /boot/multicam

to achieve this. The JeVois command 'shell' sends everything that follows to a linux shell running on the camera. The linux command 'touch' updates the time stamp of a file, and creates an empty file if one did not already exist.