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Another problem by changing the hard serial baud rate

0 votes
There is another problem too. It seems that the function parseSerial(self, str)  only works with 115200. If I change the baud rate all the comands from the Arduino comes with the answer: Error unknown Comand. With 115200 the comands will be understood. What can I do now?
asked Mar 1, 2019 in Programmer Questions by Peter (580 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
We are looking into this. I remember that a long time ago we had difficulties too selecting other baud rates than 9600 or 115200. Do you have a good reason why you need 38400? Otherwise just using 115200 would be the easiest for now. As I remember it, it looks like the Allwinner kernel serial drivers may need to be patched/fixed to support other baud rates, there might be some issues with computing the correct dividers that would take one from a central clock (e.g., at 1008MHz or so) to the desired baud rate with an acceptable margin of error.
answered Mar 4, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)