Are you trying to build your own version, using the latest tiny-dnn code from GitHub?
tbb is installed on platform as part of OpenCV. There are indeed various issues with compiling this. But jevoisbase should provide the correct combination of libraries to make it compile. Have a look at CMakeLists.txt in jevoisbase, and you can take the section related to tiny-dnn and add it to your own module's CMakeLists.txt. You should also look at jevoisbase/Contrib/ which will pull a specific tiny-dnn version that works.
In the CMakeLists.txt of JeVois, we have:
# Use TBB and kernel includes for platform from the buildroot installation. On the host, we may have local packages,
# eg, latest opencv compiled from source:
set(JEVOIS_KERNEL_INCLUDE "-I${JEVOIS_BUILDROOT_BASE}/build/linux-headers-3.4.113/usr/include")
set(JEVOIS_TBB_INCLUDE "-I${JEVOIS_BUILDROOT_BASE}/build/opencv3-${JEVOIS_OPENCV_VERSION}/buildroot-build/3rdparty/tbb/tbb-2018_U1/include")
and then TBB_INCLUDE gets integrated into JEVOIS_PLATFORM_INCLUDE which get pushed to modules via jevois_config.cmake.