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video freezes after a while

0 votes

The video freezes after a while. The console prints the error:

FTL Gadget::get: Giving up waiting for blank UVC image

ERR Log::warnAndIgnoreException: Caught std::exception [FTL Gadget::get: Giving up waiting for blank UVC image]

What could be wrong?

Thank you in advance.

asked Apr 29, 2019 in Programmer Questions by kkccoo11 (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Usually, this means that the USB connection is unreliable. Either the host computer cannot provide enough power, or the port is too noisy on the data lines. Sometimes this happens when you use "front panel" USB ports, as those often use a plain ribbon cable to connect to the motherboard, while they should use twisted pair cables with precisely matched lengths between data+ and data-. You should try to connect JeVois to ports that are directly attached to the motherboard (usually, in the back of the computer).

Please see http://jevois.org/doc/UserConnect.html for more on power.
answered Apr 29, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)