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Cross-compiling existing applications and libraries

0 votes
I'd like to cross-compile an existing OpenCV-based application for the Jevois-A33.  This application requires a handful of libraries, which I'll also need to compile.  The end result being a binary (or a couple binaries) that will run on the Jevois independent of the jevois-daemon (the code is structured such that I can't easily incorporate it in as a Jevois module).

I know this is theoretically possible from within buildroot, but it appears onerous to do so.  Some build systems (e.g. Yocto) support a standalone SDK which allows cross-compiling quite easily; is there a way to do this with Jevois' buildroot?  Alternatively, are there other options for the rootfs, such as Yocto or an Ubuntu setup?
asked May 22, 2019 in Programmer Questions by almatthew (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, we have many examples in the CMakeLists.txt of jevoisbase:


Usually the easiest is to figure out which .cpp files need to be compiled. Then just add them as source files in your JeVois module's CmakeLists.txt - that will get you both native and cross compilation for free.

Also see here for step-by-step instructions:

answered May 29, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)