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Global shutter restock or alternative

0 votes

I am currently planning on a college project for detecting fast moving small object, and I don’t think the normal camera would suitable for this project. My question is will be the sensors back in stock again and when. Also if there is alternative way to change the sensor by my self, so I can start the project with jevois as soon as possible.

asked Jun 21, 2019 in Hardware Questions by yvroes (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, this sensor has been quite popular but getting more is slow as we also have an order for more base cameras currently in production at our factory. Our best estimate now if mid-July. Sorry for the delay.

We don't have an alternative (otherwise we would have used it instead of designing our own PCB). But you can develop your algorithms with the base sensor, the global shutter will work just the same, but with better image quality under strong camera motion.
answered Jul 2, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Any updates?