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Custom cameras 24pin, 0.5mm pitch, flex, SCCB interface

0 votes

There are lots of cameras 24pin 0.5mm OV 5640 pitch with flex cable and SCCB interface
for example : OV 5640:

OV 2715:

Can I use these cameras ?

All these sensors has SCCB interface, 24pin, 0.5mm pitch and flex cable.,
1. OV 5640 (QSXGA 15fps, 1080p 30fps, 720p 60fps, VGA 90fps, QVGA 120fps)
2. OV 2715 (1080p 30fps, 720p 60fps, VGA 120fps, QVGA 240fps !!!)

links to datasheets:
1. https://cdn.sparkfun.com/datasheets/Sensors/LightImaging/OV5640_datasheet.pdf
2. https://datasheetspdf.com/pdf-file/770809/OmniVision/OV2715/1

asked Jul 4, 2019 in Hardware Questions by tarzanboy13 (200 points)
retagged Jul 4, 2019 by tarzanboy13

1 Answer

0 votes
Both look great!

The ov2715 especially is something we will look into, thanks for your suggestion. The housing is a bit bigger (10x10mm it seems) and will not fit in the case (our default sensor is 8x8mm).

For the ov5640, we do not provide power to pins 23 and 24 which are used by the autofocus. But a version of that sensor with fixed focus should work fine. Those two pins are no connect on our board. So you could also provide the autofocus power externally to these two pins. You will need to get the correct voltage (usually, 1.8V or 2.8V), which you can get from one of the header pin pads on the JeVois PCB.
answered Jul 18, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)
So i can use OV 5640 with fixed focus ?  Its compatible with JeVois Inventor ?
not yet, someone (me?) would have to write a driver first. This sensor should be pretty easy as a good driver is already available in the linux kernel.

If you want to try, you would start with this:


and make it work. In particular, we need sensor_s_parm() to work so that frame rate can be adjusted. Right now it looks like it does not actually change the sensor settings (should modify the registers for dummy pixels and/or dummy lines). You can look at how we do it in the other sensors we have fixed, for example


but note that this is not easy, linux kernel development in a cross-platform context... We are e ordering some sample sensors now and we will get to it in the next few weeks.
I am not capable to linux kernel development :)
I will wait for you...,  I am making final school project, Do you think that you have done OV5640 in 3-4 months ?