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Jevois is undetected by Windows PC. Tried Everything Please Help!

0 votes

Hello Jevois.
I recently bought Jevois A33 from sparkfun.com and I followed all the startup guide procedures for flashing the card to inserting it properly in module. Yet my PC is not able to detect any hardware change or device when I plug the camera with micro usb cable that came with camera package.

The light is solid green on Jevois with a slight orange blink for half a second or 1 in beginning only. Jevois Inventor cant seems to detect my camera module However, when I press OK on it, an error message appears saying:
"Your Jevois Smart Camera was detected, but we coul not access its Serial-over-USB port. You may need to install the driver for it"
I installed the driver from link provided but it couldnt install saying no digital signature found in it. Please Help man, My Project is at stake!!

asked Oct 14, 2019 in User questions by samranbashir (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
please see reply to your other question, @321

The LED should turn solid orange even if there is a driver problem, so most likely either a problem with the USB cable, USB port on your computer, or maybe the camera itself.
answered Oct 14, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)