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Is it possible to send both image and IMU data back to host computer through USB cable?

0 votes
I come up with one idea.  IMU data at multiple timestamp can be stored in one image which is alway sent to host computer in process() function. Is there better way to send the IMU data without coupling of the image data?

Thanks in advance.
asked Dec 19, 2019 in Programmer Questions by zskalibr (310 points)

3 Answers

0 votes
My preliminary test showed that image frame data received by the host computer from the USB cable does not remain the same exactly to the data in jevois. Saving data to SDcard is a better way.
answered Dec 25, 2019 by zskalibr (310 points)
0 votes
Yes, also have a look at the sample programs DemoIMU and DemoDMP.

in the process() function you can add some jevois::sendSerial() commands to send out messages over the serial port.

The source is here for DemoDMP:

answered Jan 10, 2020 by JeVois (46,580 points)
0 votes

I had the same problem, I was searching for a better way to send the IMU data without the coupling of the image data. I watched a lot of youtube tutorials, but I didn't found anything that could help to answer this question, but take a lot to this webpage: https://www.techradar.com/reviews/nordvpn, maybe you will find something. I didn't try yet, but my friend recommended to search there.

answered May 27, 2020 by lorenela (140 points)
Thakns for your sharing. Actually I have solved this problem by saving both the IMU and image data to the SD card. The module can be downloaded here https://github.com/gogogoKKK/jevoisIMUImageSaver.