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Green light remains on, fan turns on, camera not detected by Windows

0 votes

I purchased a JeVois Camera Beginner Turnkey kit at RobotShop.com last summer.  Though, I only had time to play with it during the holidays.  The green LED and fan turn on, but LED does not flash orange and does not later turn solid orange.  The card is fully inserted and I properly hear the click sound.

I tried powering the camera with the Y cable or a single cable on

- my laptop with a HUB

- a desktop

- directly from an apple and amazon chargers

I tried re-flashing the provide 16 GB Micro SD card and another Sandisk Ultra 32 GB Micro SD card.  None of them work.

I don't know what else to do to troubleshoot the camera.

Please help.

asked Dec 27, 2019 in User questions by TitanQC24 (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
If the card is fully inserted and you see no orange flash, maybe there is an issue with your JeVois unit. It is quite rare though as every unit is tested twice at the factory. Please email us at jevoisinc@gmail.com and we will help you.

On rare occasions, also the USB cable may be bad, so if you have another one please try this.
answered Jan 10, 2020 by JeVois (46,580 points)