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Darknet YOLO Freezing

0 votes
Hi, I have purchased a new Rasberry Pi 3B,

I have manged to get the Darknet YOLO example working on my Raspberry pi but it only works for about 30 seconds and then it freezes?

I have tried changing the power adapter and I have also swapped the USB cable but I am still having no luck.

All the other examples seem to work ok it just seems to be the two Darknet ones that are freezing but these are unfortunately the ones the I need, please can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks for the help
asked Feb 7, 2020 in User questions by wpitallo (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Are you moving your camera? If so, you may have some connectivity issues at the mini-USB connector of JeVois. This connector was not designed for mechanical stress. Usually when we run demos, we mount the camera on a tripod and tie the USB cable to the legs of the tripod, so that there will be no mechanical stress or motion at the mini-USB connector. We have cameras running for months non-stop like that. I just confirmed that YOLO (1280x480 YUYV) is running fine and is not running out of memory, etc, it is stable here.

Also see other posts about freezing, in particular: you could also have a bad USB cable (we have had a few of those), or you can use some camera mount with strain relief, available on thingiverse.com (search for "jevois").
answered Feb 11, 2020 by JeVois (46,580 points)