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Saving video directly to a PC

0 votes
I have a quick question about saving videos with the jevois camera. I was wondering if it is possible to save a video recorded by the jevois directly to the host computer the camera is connected to. Basically what I am looking for is the "Save Video" module, but instead of saving the video to the sd card in the jevois camera, I want to save the video directly to a folder on the host computer the camera is connected to.

edit: I actually found a solution on my own. I found the page "Getting started on a windows host computer" and downloaded AMCap, which meets all my needs since it allows me to record the video stream.
asked Feb 11, 2020 in Hardware Questions by obriena (310 points)
edited Feb 11, 2020 by obriena

1 Answer

0 votes
yes, AmCap works, or guvcview on linux can also save video.
answered Feb 11, 2020 by JeVois (46,580 points)