I have a new module that implements a global static map to save shared_ptr instances of a subcomponent, in order to access the class functions from free functions
In summary (pseudo-code):
class MAVLinkTest : public jevois::Module{
itsMAVLink = addSubComponent<MAVLink>("MAVLink", &MAVLink_data, MAVLink::Type_t::USB);
itsMAVLink->set_instance(itsMAVLink); //saves a copy of shared_ptr in the static map
auto m = MAVLink::get_instance(MAVLink::Type_t::USB); //retrieves a copy of the instance with matching type
Where the global static map is
namespace mavlink {
static std::map<MAVLink::Type_t, std::shared_ptr<MAVLink> > gMAVLink_instances;
The current code can be found in this fork - MAVLink branch.
I was able to successfully run the code on ubuntu host and receive and send MAVLink messages, but I get an error when running it on jevois. The error occurs when I try to access the global static map to retrieve the instance. Could there be some differences in the compiler flags that changes the behavior of static global list/map access? I can't figure out how to debug it and step through with gdb on jevois so far.
I'm able to access the class instance from within the module class (with itsMAVlink) but that doesn't solve my problem, since the mavlink API requires free functions that access the serial send and receive methods.
I'm open to suggestions on how to save the MAVLink instance somewhere and retrieve it in a free function based on some criteria I pass to getInstance function.
Here is a question I posted regarding the implementation method.
- Ali