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GUVCVIEWER video viewer not working from UBUNDU

0 votes
Hi I am trying to get suggested guvcviewer on ubundu working. It is installed. JeVois camera is showing as a device but the viewer hangs even after I followed the instructions ( disable audio etc). I have spend 3 hrs to no avail.  Is there any specific settings i should have the  gucviewer running under?  Any other troubleshooting to get video from camera into a viewer so I can baseline my moving forward changes? Thanks
asked Jul 1, 2017 in User questions by Tinob (200 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Sorry to hear about this. How about:

- can guvcview work with some other usb camera on your computer?

- after you plug in jevois, type dmesg in a terminal and look for error messages there, see http://jevois.org/doc/UserConnect.html towards bottom of page

- sometimes if the camera is detected but guvcview hangs, this means bad usb cable or weak usb port. Basically, power is ok during boot, but not enough when machine vision starts.
answered Jul 2, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Thanks for your prompt reply.  I did run dmesg and all expected USB JeVois camera device characteristics show as indicated in your Linux troubleshooting guide.

My environment is:

I am running Ubundu 64 bit installed in new MacPro Sierra through a VirtualBox.

I do see the video coming through the MAC within PhotoBooth. I can't seem to get GUVCVIEW to cooperate with the Ubundu environment.  I followed the instructions as you have indicated from he command line (audio turned off etc).

The error I get from the Ubundu terminal  after I ran:

guvcview  -ao none - f YUYV - x 640x312 is:

GUVCVIEW : version 2.0.2
V4L2_CORE: ERROR opening V4L interface: No such file or directory
Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.

The actual GUVCVIEW application gives an error:

no video device found (with an OK button display soon after) .
Oh, likely this is a virtualbox issue then. You need to see how to pass the usb video through to virtualbox. Some have reported issues with virtualbox only exposing mjpeg modes to the guest os, until they switched the usb device translation to some raw mode (i don't have the exact details)

I recommend searching the web for "virtualbox uvc camera" and you may find relevant info, maybe this one
Thanks again.   Assume I get the video pass into virtual box, Can I recompile within Ubuntu to create a new image?  Otherwise is to possible to recompile within MacOS host? It appears that one can only recompile within a unix environment.