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Micro Serial Connector

0 votes
What is the part number for the mating side of the micro serial connector?
asked Mar 14, 2017 in Hardware Questions by strott (230 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
on the micro-serial cable, the connector is a 4-pin JST SH 1.0mm, JST part number SHR-04V-S-B (and you also need SH-series pins).

Because these are very hard to crimp by hand, we are getting some more micro-serial cables manufactured now and will offer then for $0.99 at jevoisinc.com soon.
answered Mar 15, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Mar 16, 2017 by strott
0 votes
I think it's just a jst connector.
answered Mar 15, 2017 by gothmag (480 points)