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A demo about how to write your own package. I wrote a ARtoolkit package for Jevois

+1 vote

Hi everybody:

I am a Ph.D. student in Professor Itti's lab. I developed a Artoolkit module which can be used to build some Augmented Reality applications and do marker detection on your own Jevois Camera.

You will also learn how to write your own module for the Jevois Camera. The code is not the most efficient and cleanest. But It's very easy to understand for the beginner to learn how to write your own module. You will also learn how to write your Makefile. In my GitHub page: https://github.com/shixianwen/Artoolkit-Jevois-camera-version , you can find more details in my readme files. 

The cleanest Artoolkit version is maintained in the https://github.com/jevois . But It's probably a little bit difficult for beginners because everything is being putted into the jevois base and code is a little bit hard to understand in order to fulfill the efficiency.

If you have any problem, just send me an email at shixianw@usc.edu

asked Aug 6, 2017 in Programmer Questions by shixian wen (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Thanks much for the great work! The module works very well and is ultra fast.

This module now has also been integrated into the latest jevoisbase (JeVois 1.3.2 and later)
answered Aug 18, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)