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Recieving values from Jevois

0 votes

I choose QR-code demos and type next on a virtual terminal.

setpar serout USB

Next I recieve coordinates data:

T2 86 409
T2 -6 327
T2 -13 320
T2 -20 300
T2 -30 302

I want to recieve another values e.g. converted values from QR-code or other code. 

My steps to recieve and show it. Please, I only start to learn C++ and want, to understand it, how i can recieve needed data to host.

asked Aug 7, 2017 in User questions by Deatherkill (210 points)
edited Aug 9, 2017 by Deatherkill

2 Answers

+1 vote
I'm also interessed. I'm trying to do the same thing (with ArUco markers), I can read the coordonates, but I also need to receive the Id of the markker detected.
answered Aug 10, 2017 by bSahler (160 points)
0 votes

(sorry for the delay as we are just back from vacation)

You need to play with the serstyle parameter, please see here, it allows you to change the level of detail of the messages:


answered Aug 18, 2017 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Okey, and now i have one more question. How i can detect several objects from trained pictures,  on stream. I have a task, Jevois must detect number of bottles in a box. Can you help me to start develop it? Thank you, for your attention.
Thank you. It works.
This sequence of commands send the data wanted :
set mapping 6
setpar serout USB
setpar serstyle Normal

But apparently I need to be with mapping 6. I can't use it with another mapping for ArUco markers (mapping 11 for example).