I have my new JeVois and got started immediately creating a card from the latest image (
http://jevois.org/data/jevois-image-latest-8G.zip) using jevois.org/start as instructed. I used Windows 10 + Win32DiskImager + SanDisk Ultra 16GB HC1 SD. I used USB 3.0 and a nice cable to power the JeVois. I used Windows "Camera" app and it connected immediately and I watched the entire intro video and played with the JeVois for about 10 minutes before the first freeze occurred. The video stream stopped; Windows remained functional. I removed power to the JeVois and let it restart. I was able to stream for only a few seconds before the stream stopped again. I then tried VLC and amcap with the exact same results. I used Hyperterm to monitor the serial output and While JeVois streams, I am able to communicate with JeVois. When JeVois freezes, the serial communication also freezes. One strange thing I noticed is when I "close" the frozen video stream (leaving Hyperterm connected), the serial communication resumes until I again open the video application and freeze the stream.
I decided to switch environments from PC to Linux. I connected JeVois directly to a RaspberryPI + GUVCVIEW, but was not able to connect until I used a USB Hub with external power. GUVCVIEW then connected, but the exact same freeze occurred a few seconds into streaming. I then attempted to reformat my SD card and put a fresh image. I formatted the card using a camera (I've had issues formatting SD cards on Windows 10) and then downloaded a fresh image and used Win32DiskImage to write to the SD card. I powered the JeVois and it freezes after a few seconds once again.
I hope that I am doing something fundamentally wrong and that there is a simple solution. But I have not been able to find any support regarding freezing video from JeVois and I would be surprised if I was alone unless I had defective hardware, maybe?
Please let me know if there are any further suggestions.
Thank you,
David B.